in bloom

Siena Ho Shun Yi

little things like summer and
a breath. your lips. i drown.

fingerprint overlaps fingerprint.
we touch everything, tell me how soft it is / how every edge
threatens to slice our hand in half, to chase something
until we are indistinguishable.

what i would do to touch the world
is what i would throw away to do it with you.

five languages of love twenty six letters and more words to say -
lost. lemonade condensing
on our palms. ice melting. quality time.
physical touch.

not knowing how we got here.

physical touch sometimes i can’t even look at you.

four seasons come and go. we learn
things like that, sand slipping through our counting fingers,
in between smiles and breathing and sugar -

it will come back soon.

words left unsaid linger in the air.
the way you look at me. for once
the world is just loud enough.

little things more. four leaf clovers. blueberry
jams. spring. summer.


three words should I?

what i want to say is never enough.
little things. cycles of life. blueberry
jams. your eyes - they take my breath away.
your lips. i drown.

look how small we are.

Siena Ho Shun Yi (she/her) is a writer from Hong Kong and Malaysia. Her favourite word is pretty and her favourite things are pretty things (words remain the prettiest). She is on Twitter @sienasyed.

poetrySophie C