starting our Spring 2022 Volume, we have decided to

start paying our wonderful authors for all that they

contribute. read our philosophy here.

Since I started the Journal, paying our authors for their writing has been a long-term goal. Writers should be paid for their work, although they seemingly never are. The problem with not paying writers is that it leaves out many who rely on their writing for income and cannot afford to publish it for free. Without payment, the writers most likely to stop writing are those with the fewest financial resources. Only those who write as a hobby or have other income streams are able to contribute to literary journals. I wish to break this norm by paying my contributors for their valuable work and thus systematically include economically marginalized writers in the literary community.

This would not be possible without a grant from my school, so I want to thank everybody there who made it happen. I am so thankful for this opportunity to expand a project I’ve been funding independently for more than a year. This grant will take my project in so many new directions that I had never considered to be possible before. I believe that this project will expand the existing community of writers to include those from underrepresented groups who have been previously excluded, and enable my Journal to reach more people than ever before.

Payment: $12 per piece accepted