salmon planetarium

Anushka Roy

summer scorches the space between our hands
so we grow iridescent suns in the eye of its fire – 
the hearts of our palms/ 
july’s sultry tongue licks 
around our eyelashes; you pulse (light and dark, light
and dark) and i stand by, emptiness for you – 

wild horse,  
lovely lightning – to crack through/ you saw spring’s
dying figure twisting grotesquely into oblong strips of light, 

i let its supernova burn 
a hole through my head and bathe our mid-year in its
salmon effervescence/ 

they can hear a rumble 
as we eat up the fires/ stars speckle my dark skin and
now i’m the universe/you’re the lapis sky that touches me. 

Anushka Roy is a high-school student from New Delhi, who founded and served as the editor-in-chief at her school’s literary magazine. She’s a visual artist and writer, who enjoys exploring art through how it reflects the world and its patterns, and has spent the last year investigating trends in the representation of emotional chaos in modern art.

poetrySophie C